River to Dreams

Thursday, 15 October 2020

I wade into the river
That runs to the promised land
—Billy Joel

Did you ever dream of a place that seemed so real that upon waking you were sure it was a real place and sure you had actually been there in real life, but you couldn’t quite remember the exact location nor the route to get there?

Just like that river Joel was singing of,1 there seemed a dreamy quality to this one, as if of a secret place, a hidden place, a place you can only remember the way to in your dreams.

Incidentally, I took this photo with Hipstamatic, which is possibly my favorite photo app on the iPhone, and has been for the past decade. If you have it and want to try for your own version of this photo, I used the Sergio lens and Cheshire film.

  1. In River of Dreams, from the album of the same name. The entire record is fantastic, so if you haven’t heard it, you owe yourself to give it a listen.  ↩

Published by David

Watching the world drift by, learning as I go, lost in Japan

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