Problems with Just one more time… Is it just me? Can you relate?
one more game
I tell myself
just one more

When I was younger, some games would really capture my attention and just not let go. It was always just one more game until before I knew it, the sun was rising. Civ 2 and 3 were famous[1] for this. From the reviews I read of the newer versions of Civ, it seems like the games are still very well-known for this trait. Just one more.
These days I’m not much of a gamer. I try sometimes, but I get bored quickly, then I die or lose and the game just loses all appeal. I want to get up, stretch, and go do something productive. Oh well. I still have my memories of when I enjoyed games far more to keep me company.
This haiku was inspired by watching my kids play their Nintendo Switch. It’s always just one more game with them too. Unfortunately for them, the Switch allows parents to set time limits, so they can’t keep just one more gameing until morning. On this particular day they had just had their playtime ended by the time limit and they were begging to me just one more game. That combined with my memory of when I had the same attitude put this haiku in my mind.
It doesn’t just apply to gaming. I know some bookworms are always doing the same. They read some, look at the clock and see the time, then think just one more chapter, and before they know it, it’s 4am.
Come to think of it, it does still happen to me. Not with gaming, but with research. I will be researching some haiku or some fact about historic Japan. My wife tells me she is going to bed, I say just a few more minutes, I look at see it’s past midnight and I think just a few more minutes, and before I know it, it’s 3am and I need to be up in two hours. Le sigh Some things never change, I suppose.
Or maybe infamous. ↩