Unless otherwise noted, all translations appearing on this site are my own. If no credit is given, you can assume the translation is mine. If the translation isn’t mine, I will almost always give the translator and/or source.
You are more than welcome to use my translations elsewhere, but if you do so then please credit me and (if possible) give a link back here, ideally back to the exact page you copied the translation from.
That’s the short version. The long one is:
When I post haiku I sometimes may explicitly mention that I am the translator. This is not so much for my ego nor for copyright reasons, rather it is because I think it’s useful info that new readers (i.e., people who likely will never see this page or haven’t seen it yet) may want to know. As a haiku reader myself, whenever I come across a haiku translation one of my first thoughts after enjoying the verse itself is usually I wonder who translated it, then I spend entirely too much time searching for that information if it’s not readily given.
But then again, I may not mention anything. If I don’t give credit to anyone, that’s because credit belongs to me.
Same goes for all non-haiku translations. In all other translations, I may mention I was the translator and/or provide a link to this page, but then again I may forget and not say anything.
For any translations that are not my own, I will do my best to either mention the translator or mention that I don’t know who the translator was but it wasn’t me (I will likely credit unknown in this case). I’ll try to give a source too, especially for the latter case. If I forget either of these and you are unsure if a translation if mine or not, feel free to contact me and ask.